What is the Used Ski & Snowboard Equipment Swap?
The Used Ski & Snowboard Equipment Swap gives skiers the chance to convert pre-loved equipment into cash!
If you are a new skier or snowboarder looking for an inexpensive way to get into the sport don’t miss the Used Ski & Snowboard Equipment Swap!
Equipment sold in the Used Ski & Snowboard Equipment Swap will be on a 💵 CASH ONLY basis.
🏧 ATM’s will be available at the show.
Step 1
Come into any Kunstadt Sports location between October 11th-17th during regular operating hours.
Or drop of your gear at the EY Centre on October 18th from 4pm-7pm
Step 2
Have our professional staff help appraise your equipment
Step 3
Fill out the consignment form
Step 4
Pay a non-refundable $2 tagging fee per item
Step 5
Take your copy of the consignment form home (and keep it in a safe place!)
Step 6
Come to the EY Centre with your copy of the consignment form on October 20th between 4pm-5pm to collect your cash or unsold gear
Any unclaimed gear or cash not picked up from the EY Centre on the 20th will be donated. Kunstadt Sports reserves the right to refuse equipment
There is a $2 non-refundable tagging fee for registering each equipment item (i.e., $2 for a pair of boots, $2 for a pair of skis etc.). If the item does not sell, the tagging fee is retained.
You keep 70 % of what the items sell for; you benefit from an energetic selling staff which can get you the right price; and you don’t have to spend money on advertising -this is the best way to sell used equipment.
Registration is limited to twenty (20) items per person maximum unless special arrangements are made.
All equipment you wish to be sold may be dropped off to any Kunstadt Sports location the week of the show (Friday October 11th-Thursday October 17th) during Kunstadt Sports’ operating hours. Equipment may also be dropped off at the EY Centre (4899 Uplands Dr.) on Friday October 18th from 4pm-7pm. Kunstadt Sports staff will assist with pricing and transport of equipment to the show (if dropped off at any Kunstadt Sports retail location from Friday October 11th-Thursday October 17th)
The following items may be sold:
- Alpine & Nordic Skis (Shaped/parabolic skis only)
- Snowboards
- Ski Wear
- Ski (Alpine & Nordic) Boots
- Snowboard boots
- Ski appropriate helmets
Please make note of the following:
- Articles must be cleaned and in good, working condition
- There will be a $2.00 registration fee per article
- Unsold articles must be picked up Sunday October 20th from 4pm-5pm or they will be donated
- Kunstadt Sports/The Ottawa Ski, Snowboard & Travel Show is not responsible for theft, loss or damage of articles
- Consignee receives 70% of the final selling price and will be paid in cash on Sunday October 20th between 4pm-5pm
- No payment will be made without customer’s copy of the consignment form
Other items may be sold at the discretion of the Show. The Show reserves the right not to accept certain items.
How to collect your unsold equipment/cash for sold equipment:
Head to the EY Centre (4899 Uplands Dr.) between 4pm-5pm on Sunday October 20th to collect your unused equipment or cash for sold equipment. Please ensure to bring your copy of the consignment form – no payment will be made without the customer’s copy.
Additional Information
As an additional security measure, we request that you attach an adhesive tape to each piece of your equipment with your last name marked, and a phone number. This is an additional precaution in case a tag is accidentally separated from the equipment.
If item(s) did not sell and you did not come back to the show to claim your item(s), all unclaimed equipment will be donated to one of the non-profit ski associations at the show (i.e., Snowhawks, etc.). Similarly, all cash proceeds from sales will be forfeited. Please ensure you come for your unsold equipment/cash between 4pm-5pm on Sunday October 20th.